♥Adventures♥ ♥Glamorous life♥ ♥Yummy yum♥ “Balik Kampung” Day 1 Hey guys! I’m back. So sorry for the lack of updates, I’ve been very busy with my work and trying… October 29, 2010 bobostephanie
♥Celebration♥ ♥Glamorous life♥ ♥Yummy yum♥ Birthday Dinner With The Girls Hey guys, Im back from Taiwan. Surprisingly I didn’t gain any weight maybe cause I sweated a lot in Taiwan…. October 22, 2010 bobostephanie
♥Adventures♥ Away Hey my beloved readers, I’ll be away for a little while, 7days to be exact. Guess where I am going… October 14, 2010 bobostephanie
♥Celebration♥ ♥Glamorous life♥ I was so wasted on my Birthday. Right after having dinner with Jo we went back my place to chill for a while and then headed out… October 13, 2010 bobostephanie
♥Celebration♥ ♥Glamorous life♥ ♥Yummy yum♥ Birthday Dinner with ♥ Hey guys, I finally have time continue my birthday post. How was everyone’s weekend? I had fun but it was… October 11, 2010 bobostephanie
♥Celebration♥ ♥Glamorous life♥ Birthday Bash Right after dinner, Bb, Ashley and I headed back to my place to dress up for my birthday bash at… October 7, 2010 bobostephanie
♥Celebration♥ ♥Glamorous life♥ Surprise Dinner I love it when I’m all occupied with my friends and loved ones during weekends. Bb Mich and I planned… October 5, 2010 bobostephanie