♥Glamorous life♥ ♥Yummy yum♥ I’m Secretly A Thai As you might know, in the previous entry, I mentioned that I ♥ Thai food! While I was at work,… November 29, 2010 bobostephanie
♥Glamorous life♥ ♥Yummy yum♥ Banana Leaf To be honest, I have never tried banana leaf before so this was considered as my first banana leaf experience… November 27, 2010 bobostephanie
♥Glamorous life♥ ♥Yummy yum♥ Red Box & Sushi Zanmai I love Fridays aka FLYDAY! This is the day you get to FLY UP HIGH, pardon me. I have no… November 26, 2010 bobostephanie
♥Glamorous life♥ ♥Yummy yum♥ Bonding with Bff “Im motivated to blog so I have to complete an entry by today!” This is what I told myself when… November 23, 2010 bobostephanie
♥Glamorous life♥ Gin’s so called “Signature” OK, I was telling Gin (My twin ) that we are selling her car and Im getting a new car…. November 22, 2010 bobostephanie
♥Celebration♥ ♥Furry bear♥ ♥Glamorous life♥ ♥Yummy yum♥ Halloween Weekend In case you missed my Halloween post click here. So after a long and crazy night at Phuture, I woke… November 14, 2010 bobostephanie
♥Adventures♥ ♥Glamorous life♥ ♥Sharing is Caring♥ ♥Yummy yum♥ “Balik Kampung” It’s time to say Goodbye Finally, It’s time to pack up my things and leave. I have no idea what I should write about in… November 12, 2010 bobostephanie