Halo, so sorry for the lack of updates again… Sigh I dont know how many times I have to say sorry to my readers!
I have been telling Jo that I’m running out of stuff to blog, my life is so boring that you wont want to know what I actually do everyday.
So few days ago, I was at the Kakao Talk LIVE event where I got to talk to all my readers on Kakao. It was so much fun!! I was telling Jo I felt like I was a celebrity when I was answering questions on Kakao. Hahaha I know I’m not T__T Let me dream a bit can or not!!!! MY life already very boring, you dont be so cruel can or not hahaha…
I have to say thank you to those who added me in Kakao and chatted with me. Thanks for being so patient and so nice. Some of you even copy and pasted your questions a few times just to wait for my reply, thank you. Thank you for not asking weird or crazy questions like do u have sex or what kind of underwear u’re wearing haha. Dont laugh I seriously received these kinds of questions before on my Formspring ==”
Well, those who missed the LIVE chat session, don’t worry because I will still be using my Kakao account hehe. If you have anymore questions or just want to say HI, feel free to just drop me a msg! I will try my best to reply you when I have time k!!
I tried to keep Bobo’s Day a weekly post but I realized I don’t have that much to write about too because I stopped going out during the weekdays and even on some weekends too!
So, tell me! What do you want to read about besides Bobo’s Day posts?! ==”
By the way, I will be heading home tomorrow!! I miss homecooked food a lot~
0Mummy’s ‘mian fen gao’; It’s the best!!!
OK la, till then…
Maybe you can show us how your mom cooks mian fen gao! It looks so yummy. ^^
August 17, 2013 at 6:59 pmLooks yummy!!! And i love chilli padi to go along every soupy noodle dish..
August 17, 2013 at 7:32 pmThanks for the add bo bo. Nice chating with u at kakao talk the other day. Hope can win de doll hahahah.
August 17, 2013 at 10:40 pmI would like to read hmm… your uni life or any fun thing when you’re in US :)n
August 17, 2013 at 11:05 pmwould love to see u blog about ur collections of shoes especially the JCs! ^^
August 18, 2013 at 12:31 amEnjoy talking wif u @kakao live chat ~~ maybe u can share some recipe ~~ looks yummy ~~
August 18, 2013 at 9:39 pmHi Bobo, I like reading your blog! dont ever say its boring! maybe you can do a blogspot on online clothes stores that you recommend? ^.^
August 19, 2013 at 10:53 pmWell some blogs posts their hubby/bfs outfit post.. How about Jo’s day? Only if he likes hehe.. I want to see your cabinet, shoes, bag, collection and the inside of your car as well.. Hehe
August 20, 2013 at 9:23 amHello Bo, I know you are great Fans of RM, I am selling some of the cap featured in RM,would like you to feature them in your blognwould you mind to contact me via the email address?
August 20, 2013 at 8:39 pmhalo! can u email the details to me at bobostephanie927@gmail.com
August 20, 2013 at 10:44 pmI think you are referring to me when you said “some of you even copy and pasted your questions a few times” haha sorry for that. But anyways you’re so kind and down-to-earth person. :))
August 21, 2013 at 11:46 pmyea!! y sorry hahaha im glad u did that with so much patient hehe. thank u!
August 22, 2013 at 12:35 am