Last week was BFF’s birthday, well more like a belated birthday celebration. It was because her birthday fell on the weekdays and normally as a working woman (ahem) we cant really party or gather together on weekdays.
So, we decided to celebrate her birthday last Saturday at Ben’s, Publika, then after that, Zouk!
It has been more than 5 months since I’ve last been to Zouk. #youknowurold when you stop going out on Saturday nights and you prefer to play Mahjong instead.
Since it’s a birthday celebration might as well make it B I G!

This lovely dress deserved another picture because it’s currently my favorite! I love everything that has glitter/sequins or shoulder pads. This dress has both a shoulder pad and glitter!!! The only bad thing about this dress is that the glitter just wont stop falling! You can easily track where am I by following all the glitter that falls from my dress. Jo’s car seat is still covered with the blue shimmers from my dress. ==”
The birthday girl and her marshmallow cake hahaha
I look like a giant next to these two lovely girls because of my heels ==”
After dinner we headed to Zouk and had lots of fun dancing and drinking!
I left Zouk at around 2am because I was super tired and the girls continued dancing and drinking till 4am…
Old la cant really stay up all night.
I hope the birthday girl had fun hehehe and we failed to make her drunk sien…
1 Comment
Of course I had fun!!! Thank you so much, bff (and Jo & Shirley too)!!! 😀 😀 Love ya!
March 10, 2012 at 12:52 pm