Finally, my “Birthday” post!
I got lazy after I blogged about my birthday eve.
Thank god that my company declared an extra day of holiday for us; I get to rest for 2 days!
I think due to lack of my beauty sleep, my face is being a bitch. Oh, I mean breakouts. They just wont go away!
I had to work on my birthday, so nothing interesting happened besides work, work, and more work.
During lunch hour, Jo came to have lunch with me.
Us @ Paparich! During my birthday, I had to have vegetarian due to some religion thingy and Paparich is the only place that serves vegetarian nasi lemak!
I was pretty surprised that Jo got me flowers and a handmade birthday card when he came over to pick me up after work.
They are fake roses! Prefer fake flowers cox they will last forever so it’s more worth it ==”
Jo’s hand writing, tiny and look like they are dancing!
JO brought me to this Indian restaurant that serves VEGETARIAN food in KL.
We had cauliflower aloo gobi, briyani, potato dumplings, and naan!
Got this necklace inBangkok, I call it my Jar of Flies. It literally has 3 flies inside the jar, fake ones of cox! The thing is, the glass cracked ==” I can no longer wear it =(
Outerwear- Bkk
Skirt- Topshop
Heels- Jeffery Campbell
Bag- Louis Vuitton
A closer view of my heels!! Aren’t they cool!!!!
We left after dinner and I decided to cut my cake at home ’cause I was exhausted! I realized my life has changed so much after I’ve started working! I dont really care about having big birthday celebrations anymore and I think birthdays are so overrated . All I want is to be able to rest and spend time with loved ones. *aging*
Some people have been asking how old I am on Formspring and for those who are curios, I’m 26th. I dont care if you say I’m old cox Im just cool like that. I dont get why people become real bitchy when getting asked about their age, it’s not like you wont reach your 26th birthday! Hahaha 26th is cool ok?! ==”
This uncle here is 2 years older than me (dog years), hahahahhaa (he was staring at my cake ==”)
Thanks for all the presents and birthday wishes (you know who you are; Im too lazy to type)
Time flies and I hope that I’ll look exactly how I look like now when im 30 ==” I know it’s impossible but IT’S MY WISH, not yours!
Dad always ask me, “Bo, you think you will look like this forever a?”
Me: “Hmmm…”
Dad: “NO! So too bad for you.”
Me: “What the hell, you damn mean!”
Yea, I talk to my dad like how I talk to a friend, hahaha
you have the sweetest bf ever! =D
October 26, 2011 at 9:06 pmwhy jo’s writing so nice wan!
and the only ppl who won’t reach 26th birthday are those who already died lo WTF
October 26, 2011 at 10:48 pmSiow wei- hehehe thanks babe =)
Aud- Hahah yea his hand writing very nice one, nicer than mine ==” hahaha I dont want them to get offended ma. hahaha
October 27, 2011 at 4:48 pmGosh, your bf is fantastic! I hope to have a free shopping spree from bf too T.T
October 28, 2011 at 9:25 amYou don’t look 26 at all! I thought you were, maybe 23 or 24. And that is a compliment. 🙂
Very, very nice birthday gift as well from a very sweet bf of yours. 😉
October 28, 2011 at 3:14 pmYou don’t look 26!! Great skin there!
October 28, 2011 at 9:48 pmfor u to know…u forgot to write the post that we celebrate bday together!! plssss write it..thanks…. looking forward!
November 15, 2011 at 5:29 pmOMG!! ALL THESE WHILE I THOUGHT YOU’RE ONLY 19 OR 20!!! you looks sooooo young!
December 1, 2011 at 11:14 amEunice- So sweet of you!!! awwwwwwww super happy now! =DDD Thank you hun
December 2, 2011 at 4:34 pm