How was everyone’s CNY?? Did you guys snack out like there is no tomorrow?? Well, I did. I took this golden chance to eat as much carbs as I can hahaha…
One full bowl of rice or noodles yummmmm.
Since im still enjoing my holidays, I figured I should blog about how I spent my eve and first day of CNY. I didnt really enjoy it because spending CNY in KL is seriously damn boring! It’s super different from my hometown, if u have already read my previous post then u should know what I mean.
Had our reunion dinner with Jo and his mum at home on CNY eve then after dinner we didnt do much… Jo and I helped out with the dishes then went back to our room to watch TV….
The theme color of our praying items is GOLD…
We lighted up the incense and candles at 12.30am. It was my first time spending CNY eve and praying with Jo. So after praying, I suggested to drive around the neighborhood to stalk which family prayed too. There was only 3 of them, it’s so different from my hometown!! Jo says, “people tend to just to go the temple in the city because it’s more convenient.” Aiyer, I dont want convenience, I want tradition!! Haha
I think we spent a total of 30 mins burning all the gold/money!!! It was like we were trying to burn 3 dictionaries… Super thick and big sheets!!
On the first day of CNY, we woke up at around 9.30am then I went straight to the praying table to prepare all the stuff… I’m starting to think I’m super aunty now but I’m pretty proud of myself, I bet not many of you know how to do all these right!!! HAHAH I learned them from my mum and grandma!
MIL cooked vegetarian noodles and vegetarian curry chicken for brunch!
After brunch, the 3 of us spent the whole day in the kitchen!!!! I didnt get to dress up because what I did was clean and prepare food… So I wore a tank top and shorts hahaha.
To be honest, it’s totally different from what I have been doing for the past 26 yrs!! I’m so not used to it and I get really emo when I about it…
Lao sheng with the relatives at home. This was prepared by MIL and Jo, super awesome right!
I have never looked forward for something so badly in my life, I was literally counting down the days till the 2nd day of CNY because I get to head home to spend time with my family!
Reached at around 11am then we had our traditional tea ceremony!
Then we gave an ang bao to Gin! (Gin, sorry a, you look quite fat here ==” It’s the bad camera angle not because of u ok…)
Lao sheng with the family… Jo prepared this at home before we left, poor guy he cut his finger while preparing this =(
Then we lighted fire crackers!!!!! Woo hoooooooo
The end result of 15 min long fire crackers! Gin says they spent 1 hour to clean up everything hahahahahaa
Reunion dinner with my lovely family!!!!
Not to forget Vanji, our guest who got treated as part of the family because she was the only guest hahahahaha…Thanks for coming Vanji!!
That’s pretty much how I spent my CNY hahaha I told you it’s super quiet lo! From now on my favorite day of CNY will be the 2nd day of CNY hahaha.
They say we should have kids so it wont be tat bad la, it will be more noisy but we are not ready for a baby yet! Well, try telling me again after 3-4 yrs la then maybe I will consider hahaha
O yeah, Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone!!!
How r u guys spending today? JO and I will be heading to Kl to have dinner then meet up with a few frens for poker!
Till then…
hey bobo, i feel your pain. Cannot negotiate take turns each year? I also get emo thinking about this… haih..
February 15, 2013 at 6:32 pmBobo, I think I saw u and Jo outside Sungei Wang on Wednesday afternoon! You’re so pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!
February 16, 2013 at 12:54 amReally??? hahahah y never say hi a?? awww u’re too sweet la I didnt put on make up also u say I very pretty hahahha thank u!!
February 16, 2013 at 1:18 amei i like the tea ceremony thing hhaha so cute one!!! last time our family used to do that but not anymore now..hahaha n ur mom look so younggggggggg!!!! hheheh help me tell her hahan
February 22, 2013 at 12:14 pm