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My Skincare Routine

Since I posted the video of my evening look, I have been receiving sweet and nice comments from my readers!

Thank you so much for all the sweet comments! You guys are the best!

I also received a few comments asking about my daily skincare routine.

Well, I blogged about it a few years ago (HERE) and I figured maybe it’s time to do another one since I changed most of my skincare products.

My skincare routine is super easy and pretty affordable because I cant afford to buy anything that costs more than RM200 yet.

Im super poor sigh…

Left- Clarins toner, Clinique moisturizer, Clinique eye cream and Clinique extra moisturizing cream

I have been using Clarins’ tonner since my 3rd yr in the US. My jie jie recommend it to me because she says it’s alcohol- free and cheap ==”

I prefer alcohol- free skincare because firstly I hate the smell and it irritates my skin.

Clinique’s ‘dramatically different moisturising lotion’ is so far the best I have ever used. My mother and sister bought a few bottles for themselves earlier. Apparently, my sister has now got hooked on SKII and  my mum complained that it’s not oily enough. So in the end they gave me theirs and I have 3 big bottles of Clinique’s moisturiser (Im poor so I was so happy when they passed them to me). Im that kind of person who’s very very lazy to try something new, if it fits me or suits me I will keep using it till they stop producing it, hahahha

The eye cream is just normal, nothing special, I use it for the sake of using eye cream. There are some other brands that I think may work better but they are way too expensive! Imagine paying more than RM300 for a small bottle of eye cream. Sorry I rather eat or buy clothes! I need you guys to suggest a better eye cream for me, pretty pls! I have eye bags, dark circles and also wrinkles! SOMETHING CHEAP A!!! Well, at least affordable!

I only use the extra moisturising cream at night. (My jie gave it to me because she says she doesn’t like it and it was brand new!!) I find it more suitable to be used as night cream because it’s a bit oily and I sleep in an air-con room.

Hahaha I just realized I got most of my skin care for free!!!! (I saved a lot on my skincare because of my jie and mother!)

Left- Shu Uemura makeup remover, Hada Labo face wash, eye makeup remover and Clinique scrub

I have been using Shu Uemura’s makeup remover ever since I learned how to put on makeup. I prefer the blue bottle because it’s whitening and it’s lighter.

Hada Labo whitening face wash, you can buy it in Watson or Guardian. It’s cheap (sorry a I always stick with something cheap) and I think it really helps to whiten my face.

You can also find my eye make up remover in Watson or Guardian =)

Clinique 7 days scrub; it was around RM73 hahahha. It can be used for 7 days straight because of the fine scrubs and it wont hurt/enlarge ur pores. I dont really use it everyday, I use it once a week or less ==”

Face mask that I bought in Taiwan. I always follow watever brand that my mum is using. Apparently, this is super duper good for moisturising and whitening your skin! I dont know where to buy it because my mum bought 2 boxes of this and gave them to me. =(

Ok last but not least, the most important thing that I need for my face!

I think this is the reason why I have no breakouts or acne on my face or all my sister’s too!

Its a paste made from pearl powder, made by my Mum. The main ingredients are herbs and pearl powder. I have been using this since I was in high school. It cures breakouts fast and whitens spots. I know it is impossible for you to get this in the market but try using real pearl powder mixed with little bit of warm water on a cotton ball, and applying it on your face like facial mask. Not 100% sure about the breakouts part because my mum might have mixed in some herbs that might be essential… but Im pretty sure it works really good to whiten and perfect your skin.

Jo used it before and he says we should totally sell it because it works like magic!!! Even, Jo and jie’s bf asked my mum to make a bottle for them ok!!!!

I think that’s it for my skincare routine.

Any other things that you guys want me to blog about?? Im seriously running out of ideas!!

Thank you!


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  • Reply Lex

    Interested on that last bit! Will your mum accept orders?

    March 22, 2012 at 4:10 pm
  • Reply may kuan

    I saw you mention in form spring before that your mum mixed bai he gao in the paste. Can write the herb name in Chinese?

    March 22, 2012 at 7:11 pm
  • Reply Kelly Wong

    A post on makeup collection? 🙂

    March 22, 2012 at 8:02 pm
  • Reply coffee

    wow..~ u really blogged bout skin cares <3 it is very helpful for me~ tq~

    March 22, 2012 at 10:15 pm
  • Reply nana

    owh! really wanna try tat pearl powder cream!
    Can i know whr to buy real pearl powder?and what the ingredient for making this cream?:))
    i need this so much! thankiew♥:P

    March 23, 2012 at 4:38 pm
  • Reply peach

    sell the pearl powder paste pls I’ll definitely buy it T__________T

    and don’t waste money on eyes cream.
    read Paula Begoun’s book and you’ll know why 🙂

    March 23, 2012 at 7:35 pm
  • Reply Yuen Yee

    where to buy pearl powder O_O

    March 24, 2012 at 2:51 pm
  • Reply goowakmeow

    I agree with peach, don’t waste money on eye creams… Dark circles are triggered by broken veins, stress, and/or genetics. Creams don’t do anything for that. The best you can do is find a good moisturizing one to prevent fine lines from developing.

    March 24, 2012 at 4:15 pm
  • Reply sarah

    aww can you please put the ingredients that your mom put in the paste? I have acne right now and I would try anything to get rid of it, please? thank you in advance!

    March 24, 2012 at 6:36 pm
  • Reply Jana

    Hi! Could you make a post regarding your eye care? Like how do you care for your contact lenses, the solutions, etc. I’m really scared on wearing contacts. Your eyes look really healthy, though. Could you make a post about it? Thanks!

    March 24, 2012 at 8:39 pm
  • Reply BoboStephanie

    Kelly- My make up collection is pretty much what I have showed in my makeup tutorial post hahaha ==”

    Coffee- Glad that you liked it =)

    Peach- Issit!!! Ok I shall read the book then =) Thanks!!!

    Yuen Yee- You can buy them in any chinese medicine shops (my shop sells too). Just becareful because there is a lot of fake ones around!

    Sarah- Try using real pearl powder with a lil bit of water and apply it on ur acne.

    March 24, 2012 at 10:53 pm
  • Reply me

    Wow!! Please sell the pearl powder cream if it’s not possible to share the secret recipe behind T_T

    March 25, 2012 at 7:24 pm
  • Reply Jana

    Hi! Could you make a post about your eyecare? Like for your contats, the solutions, how you clean them, etc. I’m scared of the things people say about it. Your eyes look healthy, though. Could you post about it? Thanks!

    March 26, 2012 at 10:12 am
  • Reply bobostephanie

    Hi me- Trust me I really want to share it with you guys but I cant =( Everyone has different skins and I dont want to just give out the ingredients without knowing what type of skin you guys are =( so sorry T____T It’s pretty risky…

    Jana- Sure! Will do it k. thanks for the suggestion =)

    March 26, 2012 at 10:38 pm
  • Reply bendan

    Teeheee~ Im looking for cheap skincare also lo!! And an eyecream… *sigh* face condition ain’t good like the past, kind of worry to grown old lah!! *sighsigh*

    March 30, 2012 at 12:02 pm
  • Reply Nathalie Georgia

    I use the foaming lime cleanser and the botanical lotion. The lime cleanser is so fresh and invigorating and really does a good job at lifting the dead skin cells of the surface of my skin leaving my face feel super clean. I then follow with the botanical creme which feels divine and is really silky and velvety. Since using the botanical creme my skin has started glowing and feels mositurised all day long! Thanks you Terence for all your hard work with helping me find out my skin type and advising me with which products to use.

    April 4, 2012 at 4:51 pm
  • Reply me

    No worries ! you said your shop sells the herb?? where’s your shop I would love to drop by ! =D

    April 5, 2012 at 1:20 am
  • Reply New Skincare Routine |

    […] I blogged about this earlier in March but I’ve sort of changed my skincare a little. I have been using Clinique for god knows how […]

    August 25, 2012 at 11:02 am
  • Reply Chilly

    Can I know how ur mum do the pearl powder ?

    September 30, 2012 at 1:54 am
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